DYNAPAC CUSTOM Gigant 3300 Chain Machine
$200,000.00 asking price
Year – 1995
Engine Model – 12-cylinder Deutz Air Cooled
Voltage – 24Volt
Machine Hours - 5806.83
Machine was sent to Northland Trenching in 2018 and was
totally rewired and had chain gear box rebuilt and clutch rebuilt
we spent $43,301.49 for upgrades
Top & Bottom sprocket can be purchased threw Northland or Grate lake Interdrain. The Sprockets and bearing assembly were upgraded to Interdrain brand
Machine Can install 4” tile to 24” tile 7ft 6inch Deep.
Large 18” / 24” Boot is setup to run single wall or smooth wall N-12 threw boot.
Machine will come with –
Trimble Grade Controller system a prince albert mask with a Trimble LR410 Receiver
GPS Grade Control Computer system with GPS Base equipment (*software not provided)
4- Tile Boots
1 - 4”/8”
1 – 10”/12”
1 – 15”
1 – 18"/24”
with 1 trailer, extra cutters, extra chain, custom made roller system for large diameter tile
GPS Software that we use

This is the only trailer that comes with deal
Smaller tile boot on Machine